About Me
From a young age J.R. has been involved in all facets of his family’s business; a thriving construction, development and investment company spanning three generations.
J.R. has both office and field experience and an extensive knowledge of the complexities involved in building, managing, leasing and selling properties. Working with National Tenants and managing various properties it has allowed J.R. opportunities to work closely with city municipalities as well as the RDA and State entities. He understands the many facets encountered while working in real estate and can skillfully guide clients through the process.
Attention to detail is something that is important to J.R. He also takes pride in his proven track record when it comes to managing projects, sales, leases, timelines and budgets. J.R. recognizes the needs and concerns of both Landlords and Tenants and makes good communication and maintaining those relationships a priority.
J.R. is currently a landowner in Salt Lake City and would love to see the city grow. He is eager to assist current and future clients in every way to ensure this goal.

Favorite Movie
You probably don’t know this about me
I still have the physical paper delivered to my house every morning.