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Groundbreaking Ceremony Marks New Milestone for The Point Development

Posted by Jerad Giottonini on December 17, 2024

Salt Lake City, UT — Mountain West Commercial Real Estate (MWCRE), a full-service commercial real estate brokerage, is thrilled to announce the groundbreaking ceremony at The Point Development, celebrating the commencement of construction on Porter Rockwell Boulevard and critical backbone infrastructure for Phase I. The event marks a significant milestone in the progress of Utah’s largest mixed-use development.

MWCRE agents Garrett Blomquist, Andy Moffitt, and Scott Brady are leading the retail leasing for The Point.

“This groundbreaking signifies the beginning of an incredible journey to bring a world-class development to Utah,” Garrett Blomquist said. “The Point is set to redefine how people experience retail, entertainment, and community spaces in the state”.

The Point’s initial phase spans 100 acres, setting the stage for over 600,000 plus square feet of premier retail and entertainment opportunities. MWCRE, in collaboration with Matthew Heisley and Hunter Brous of Lincoln Property Company, proudly leads the effort in shaping this transformative project, which promises to foster innovation and economic growth in the region.


About Mountain West Commercial Real Estate
Mountain West Commercial Real Estate is a full-service commercial real estate firm specializing in Brokerage, Property Management, development services, and Capital Markets. With a team of experienced professionals, Mountain West Commercial delivers personalized solutions to clients across the Western United States.

About The Point
Utahns have a once-in-a-generation opportunity to develop the 600 acres of state-owned property called “The Point” in a way that is economically robust and environmentally sustainable. Widely recognized as one of the most significant development opportunities in Utah history, The Point is well served by vital infrastructure and centrally located at the heart of Utah’s fast-growing technology industry. The site offers unprecedented potential to create an innovation hub that catalyzes technological advancement, fosters mixed-use urban areas, and preserves parks and open space.

Media Contact:
Jerad Giottonini
Director of P.R. & Communications
Phone: 385-501-2928

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