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Utah Commercial Real Estate Stats
As of October 31: 2022
Utah households spend 31% of weekly wages on apartment rent
Vacancy rates stand at 5.5% vs 6.5% nationwide
Average apartment rent is $ 1,770 for a 1 bedroom apartment in Salt Lake City, UT
Vacancy rates stand at 3% vs 3.3% nationwide
$0.72 asking rent per square foot
The variety of industrial space available ranges from 1,000 to 1,000,000 square feet
Asking rate is $25.74 per square foot vs $50 per square foot in San Francisco
18.8% vacancy rate compared with 14.5% nationwide
The average size of office space available in Salt Lake City is about 42,000 square feet
Economic Indicators
2.1% unemployment rate vs 3.5% nationwide
795.5k Employed in Salt Lake City
Employment sectors in Salt Lake expected to grow at a rate of 2.4% total in 2022, with information and construction contributing at 11.2% and 5.7%